Homemade Hemp Milk

Homemade hemp milk:
Hemp milk contains calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, riboflavin, niacin and thiamin. It even beats out cow’s milk in the calcium department with 8 ounces containing almost half of the recommended daily allowance of this essential mineral. Additionally, it supplies omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids along with fiber and vitamins C and A. Hemp milk is a good source of complete protein in that it contains all 10 essential amino acids. Also, it has NO known allergens. Many people looking for non-dairy milks overlook it in favor of almond or coconut but I think hemp blows the others away in all aspects!

Here’s the easiest recipe you’ll ever see to make your own milk:
Take 1/2 cup of organic, shelled hemp seeds & blend on high in any blender (doesn’t even have to be a fancy one) for ~3 min. with 3.5 cups of water- this will give you ~1 qt of milk when finished blending. My babe loves it plain, no sweetener, no nothing added. It’s the adults that may want a bit of honey, vanilla, maple syrup, etc. to please the taste buds. THAT’S ALL! It comes out to ~$2.00/qt vs. ~$5.00 quart buying it off the shelf at my co-op! Plus, no worries about the added Vitamin A & other undesirables!

*WHERE do you get hemp seeds?
–I’m lucky enough that my co-op sells them in our bulk section. I’ve heard some people have found them at Costco but I’ve never shopped there so don’t know. Otherwise, online of course–Vitacost is the absolute cheapest source I’ve seen for this, and nearly everything else (they have 40,000+ products). I recommend the Nutiva brand– it seems pricey for 3-5# but they go a long way since you only need 1/2 c for about 3 cups of milk. If you drink a ton of milk it’s probably still pricey in the end. Our family doesn’t drink a lot.
*My husband has to take urine test for work. Do you know if this will make test positive?
–There is such a minuscule amount of THC in hemp seeds that you would have to consume 5+ pounds, in order for a Urine Analysis (which is a VERY sensitive test) to detect it. The amount is so small, that the US FDA allows hemp milk to be sold here in the US.
*What’s wrong with Vitamin A Palmitate that’s added to the cartons of hemp, almond & coconut milks?
–Here’s a link with a basic overview on why synthetic Vitamin A Palmitate, and even Vitamin D2 are bad- in addition to these additives the hemp milk purchased off the shelf at my co-op contains sunflower lechitin, tricalcium …phosphate, carrageenan, sea salt, riboflavin & Vitamin B12. I don’t know what all of those are, but I feel much better about hemp seeds & water: http://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/coconut-and-almond-milk-in-cartons-not-a-healthy-buy/
* So it doesn’t need to be strained?
–No! It gets so pulverized & there’s basically nothing there. I tried straining it with a cheesecloth once & it was so fine it went right through that. It’s soooo easy!
*I don’t like the flavor, what can I add to it?
–Honey, vanilla, coco powder, a banana, dates, prunes, maple syrup. JUST REMEMBER, kids don’t have the developed taste buds we do. My babe loves his hemp milk unsweetened. It’s the adults who like more flavor, I’ve found!

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7 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Noémie Brideau
    Sep 27, 2013 @ 15:45:57

    For how long does the milk stay good in the fridge?



  2. Kayla
    Oct 14, 2013 @ 14:36:06

    So excited to try this! My babe goes thru hemp milk like crazy and just realized there is carrageenan in it. Boo! So I’m going to make my own. Thanks for the info.



  3. Jillu
    Dec 31, 2013 @ 22:47:21

    I am planning to give Hemp milk to my little one who cannot digest cow’s milk. Do I need to fortify it with any kids of minerals or vitamins since I’ll be making my own at home?

    Thanks so much!



  4. Anonymous
    Dec 04, 2023 @ 19:16:31

    My daughter whom just had her second child is considering putting baby#2 on hemp milk when she stops or subs breast milk. I would suggest however that one can use dates & maple syrup to sweeten the milk if they don’t like the nutty taste of hemp by itself. I would consider fortifying my baby’s milk with sea moss, flax seed, or spirulina



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