My plan of attack to lower my Son’s lead level

After having a few days to digest all the info regarding my Son’s lead level rising from a 1 to a 2 over the course of 2 years, here’s my thoughts at this time:

It seems very wise, prudent & rational that I should do everything I can to get that score as low as possible, even though a 2 certainly isn’t cause for panic. He’s a very healthy, smart 3 year old, and I want him to stay that way of course! So, it makes sense to me that I should do my best to eliminate ANY potential source of lead in his/our lives.

–We live in a house built in 1998 so lead paint is not of concern.

–He eats off a stainless steel plate & uses Pyrex glass bowls, but I still will be investing in new dinnerware, as what we have now is a hodge podge of hand me downs from others. I’m looking into, and leaning towards, glass plates & salad/soup bowls made by Anchor (will post what I end up with after I make the purchase).

–The above 2 are some of the most common sources of lead exposure, but there are a TON of other possibilities as to why his number has risen. I’m 99% sure that the bentonite clay in the 2 toothpastes we use daily are not a factor, but as they are known sources of lead, it makes complete sense to me to eliminate them at this time. I have some tooth powder on order ( that we used before discovering Earthpaste and Poof Organics toddler toothpaste, and my Son really loved dipping his toothbrush in the toothpowder. So I know it won’t be a struggle or an issue at all with his preferences. Also, I can’t wait to see what Poofy Organics has in store for us– Kristina is hard at work on a non-bentonite based adult & children’s toothpaste! I plan to use the toothpowder for 6 months, in conjunction with trying to single out any & every other potential source exposing him to lead. My Baby Girl will be 1 in ~ 6 weeks (hard to believe!), so I’ll be taking her in around that time for her 1st wellness check, which will include a lead test, and I’m curious to see what her number will be. I will continue to use Earthpaste & Poofy myself.

–We have our own well & just had our annual well test. I will be calling them on Monday to verify they checked for lead, the only things they reported back numbers on (or lack of, thankfully) were nitrates & bacteria, so I need to check on this!

–We will be using bentonite clay in our baths to help draw out the lead & any other heavy metals in his/our bodies. Interesting that the same product that concerns some regarding it’s potential lead exposure, is excellent in detoxing from heavy metal exposure.

–After 6 months we’ll get him retested & see what the number is at, and take it from there. My hope is I can get it back down to a 1 or less, and then I’d be totally comfortable re-introducing the toothpaste, and testing again 6 months later. I would never, ever think of doing that if I had concern at all that the toothpaste was unsafe. I’ve heard from several of you who have children who have used either Earthpaste and/or Poofy Organics paste exclusively for the last couple years (when both these really made an entrance in the market) and your children do not have an elevated level whatsoever.  This is very encouraging.

Thoughts, questions, comments, please share…

TONS of info from earlier this week wrapped up in this post:


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10 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. goodfamiliesdo
    May 18, 2014 @ 12:42:29

    I really like your plan! What about testing the dirt around your house and any regular places he plays such as playground equipment or school? Another source of lead is electrical cords and Christmas lights. I am not sure how to prevent that but I try to keep my toddlers hands off of them.

    My son and I are about to move and I’m concerned about the water in Chicago. I’ve read about the lead pipes there as well as all the old buildings. I want to get a pitcher filter if it will filter out lead but I don’t like that they are all plastic! I also don’t know how discerning to be about the apartment we find and the things we bring with us. I can’t afford to get all new dishes or pans.



    • ecofriendlymamausa
      May 18, 2014 @ 18:56:13

      Yes, I will test the dirt too! Although there was never any development here before my house was built in 1998, we live in the country with no neighbors in sight so it’s unlikely to be an issue. Will keep researching & figure out how to test this stuff! The thing is, I’ve heard from so many parents who were just told their child’s level was acceptable, and I know for most places that means under a 4. Rarely do they even get the number or any further info unless it’s high. Very, very few parents would even be told if it was a 2, because it’s generally considered nothing to worry about….



  2. ecofriendlymamausa
    May 19, 2014 @ 02:12:07

    Exactly, I heard that from several Mamas who were tested through WIC!



  3. Trackback: Lead in bentonite clay-based toothpaste, is ANY amount safe?! | Eco-friendly baby/family products MADE in USA
  4. Brittbo
    May 22, 2014 @ 20:06:02

    Hi there, thanks for this blog. Lead is a sensitive topic for me as well. I just want to mention that I found Chlorella and Zeolite as very natural ways to lower BLL. Chlorella (from a reputable company) is safe for kids and most research I read puts Zeolite (a naturally occurring volcanic rock powder) as safe for kids as well. I was tested for lead when I found out I was pregnant (long story about why I insisted on being tested) and came in at 5. After an enormous amount of research and many sleepless nights I found out about both of these products and felt ok taking them while pregnant. My doctor nor my midwife knew anything about them but supported the idea. I took them daily and was retested every month. BLL steadily went down and within just 3 months it was ZERO and stayed there. I now give my daughter a small amount of Chlorella powder in her baby food as both a nutritional measure and to deal with any heavy metals that somehow get into her system. If I find she does test positive for lead in a couple months, I would definitely consider Zeolite as the next step. I’ve also read about doing Zeolite baths for the same reason you describe.



  5. pauleemccormack
    Jun 12, 2014 @ 04:59:50

    I’m curious to know what type of bentonite clay do you use for the baths? link if possible to where you get it? I am interested in giving my daughter one. Could you give me an idea of what you put it in/ how you prepare it ? After a year on an elimination diet, her eczema is almost gone and I’m hoping a little detox will help get rid of it completely.

    Thanks 😀



  6. ecofriendlymamausa
    Jun 12, 2014 @ 18:25:27

    Redmond Clay is fabulous (they are the makers of Earthpaste, it’s the clay used in that as well). Here’s a link. I sprinkle ~ 1/2 cup in a bath, but not positive what the best amount is. The folks at Redmond are super knowledgeable & would certainly help with more specifics if you ask on their FB page!



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