The case FOR supporting the MLM business model

The title should continue with: when the products are great!

In my 6+ years of blogging, I’ve seen my fair share of disdain for MLM (Middle Level Marketing) companies. A quick Google search will lead you to plenty of articles against supporting a MLM company. This is not one of those articles. I wanted to share my thoughts as to why you should not lump all of them together nor turn your back on them entirely…. Believe me, I’ve also built up my share of disdain for certain companies myself!  From time-to-time I see posts: looking for non-MLM recommendations for baby shampoo (just a random example). Here’s why I think you’re missing out by lumping ALL MLM’s together.

My motto: ingredients speak for themselves, they just need a voice. I am that voice. I have spent years looking into every personal care company I see. And in my opinion, Poofy Organics is the best of the best. You can look at this list here to see my Best-of-the-Best, So-So, and Not Recommend Lists: Of those on my Best-of-the-Best, Poofy is the only direct sales/MLM/network marketing option in that category.

I’ve been a “Guide”/affiliate/Rep with Poofy for 4 years now. The fact that Poofy has ~500 of us Guides sharing our love for these products & all they stand for, with our friends, family, co-workers, means Poofy continues to grow at a slow but steady pace. This means they are able to offer more USDA certified organic products than any other line on the market. This means that every time we vote with our $$ & make a purchase, they need to re-order supplies from their wholesaler. Our vote with our dollars means more organic ingredients in demand. That means an organic farmer continues his/her livelihood of growing  the organic crop they specialize in.

Every product you purchase has a wholesale & retail cost. When Kristina first launched Poofy Organics over a decade ago, she offered her products in a traditional brick & mortar way, to a bunch of Whole Foods on the East Coast (Poofy is located in NJ). So yes, it was convenient that you could swing by Whole Foods & pick up a select handful of  Poofy products. But only if you were on the E. Coast would you even see them. Or only if you found out about Poofy’s retail website somehow would you even have heard of them. Now, with ~600 products, there’s no way any brick & mortar could stock even a portion of their great offerings.

I know from my hours of volunteer staffing in my food co-op that we markup personal care products 70% there. Yes, 70%! Most retail mark-up is at LEAST 50%…. So while yes, I earn 25% of your purchase when you shop via my Poofy link, it’s nowhere near the 50-75%+ mark-up you are paying for items you’re buying off the shelves elsewhere.

Poofy is different in many ways. There is no push to get out there & recruit others. Many never recruit anyone. Poofy is not interested in exponential growth like many other MLM’s, they want to get as big as possible, as fast as possible. Poofy doesn’t. Kristina, the owner & product creator at Poofy, wants to continue making products by hand, and is very proud of the fact that all products are hand-poured and hand-labeled, in addition to being hand-made. Also, our 25% commission is far less than many companies. Earning 50%+ commission with other MLM companies is more of the norm than not. Kristina believes in keeping Poofy prices as low as possible so as many people as possible can afford them. I urge you to do some price comparisons with other companies, both MLM & non. You’ll find higher price tags for products with few or zero organic ingredients.

So yes, I am earning 25% of your Poofy purchase instead of Whole Foods earning 75%. Are you seriously going to hold that against me for telling you about this great line? Are you seriously not going to consider these products, which I consider the best of the best on the market, because it’s an “MLM”. I really hope you’ll reconsider… The ingredients speak for themselves, and Poofy uses the finest organic ingredients on the market. In addition, you can shop directly from Poofy is you choose, you don’t have to purchase through a Guide as many other companies force you to do, even if you don’t know one. So you can go straight to & make your purchase there, they don’t pay out commission to anyone for that purchase. But I hope you’ll consider using my link, so I can keep on doing what I’m doing: researching the safest, best, made in USA products on the market. Here’s my link 🙂




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